Wednesday, December 07, 2005


I truly love this time of year when I can relax to the warm glow and soothing fragrance of our candles. I turn off the lights, the TV, and just close my eyes, relax and thank God for all the things He has done for me and my family.
Candles can add to the ambiance of a Christmas party or dinner, casting a warm, soothing glow over your rooms. I found this article that offers a few tips on how to arrange and where to burn certain scents of candles in your home. I hope you enjoy it.

Posted on Wed, Dec. 07, 2005

Candles can help evoke festive holiday atmosphere By Rosemary Friedmann

Holidays and candles seem to go well together, and since candles are relatively affordable, there is no better or easier way to deck the halls.
Just the warm glow that comes from candles seems to set the party mood, and the color of the candles will enhance the decor as well.
For this Christmas season, try adding a few extra candles to the festive decorations, perhaps on the mantle, on the dining table, on the sofa table or in the center of the cocktail table, just to mention a few possibilities.
And remember that odd numbers are usually more interesting than even. One is better than two, and three are better than two or four.
The candles also are easier to arrange in an aesthetically pleasing grouping when the numbers are odd.
If the bedroom candle is scented, then consider that a bonus. Make that a double bonus if the candle is aromatherapeutic.
Candles can be enhanced with flowers, garland, tinsel, candle wreaths holly and much, much more. Just be sure the fire is far enough away from the decorations as is necessary for safety.
Light the candles about 10 minutes before guests arrive. It takes only a few minutes for the scented candles to start working, so there's no need to burn them for hours beforehand.
If the scent is perfumey, keep it in the bedroom or bathroom.
If the scent is spicy, then the kitchen or any other room is fine. You wouldn't want the scent to interfere with the smells of the food or the taste, either.
When using candles, be sure to dim the lights to get the best effect. Be sure there is enough lighting at critical places such as steps, but in general the atmosphere should be one of calm, serenity and peace.
Dimly lit rooms illuminated by the flickering candles will give you that ambiance.

Rosemary Sadez Friedmann, an interior designer in Naples, Fla., is author of "Mystery of Color," available at Barnes & Noble Booksellers and
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